Post-Brexit UK Has Improved Its Visa Position for EU Students by Easing Application Procedures

Post-Brexit UK Has Improved Its Visa Position for EU Students by Easing Application Procedures


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the legal action initiated by the United Kingdom to leave the European
Union, did have an impact on every field, including education.

Since the agreement became effective
in 2020, nationals from both countries; the EU and the UK cannot stay in
their respective countries for more than 90 days without applying for a
visa, reports.

This means that students willing to
pursue their academic career in the UK, have to apply for a study
permit, in order to be able to legally reside in the country. Such
changes made it difficult for international students to pick the UK as a
study destination but the position of these students has changed a lot
since 2020.

Three main changes noticed during
these years include a simplified application process, which was enabled
by the Home Office introducing the “UK Immigration ID Check App” for
Student visa applications.

This app gives visa applicants access
to use the biometric data of their EU passports or UK Biometric
Residence Permits to submit their applications. Additionally, the app
enables the biometric data to be used again, facilitating the process
for applicants by lifting them from the requirement to apply for a visa
in person.

Another change that has facilitated EU
students’ life in the UK includes the abolishment of the requirement
for students to prove they held sufficient funds to support themselves
if they had been living in the UK with permission for more than one year
before the date of application.

This has abolished what is often
considered the most complicated element of the visa process for those
that want to apply for a study visa extension or apply for other
immigration categories. In addition, the financial documentation that
was previously required by British authorities was very specific and
sometimes a bit difficult to provide, which led to refusals of
applications or delays in processing.

Another facilitation that has been
introduced to EU citizens in the UK includes the graduate visa category,
effective July 1, 2021. This visa allows international students that
have graduated in the UK to prolong their legal stay in the country for
another two years, or three years if the candidate is a PhD student,
without any sponsorship. This immigration category was introduced after
concerns that the UK’s efforts were insufficient to motivate students to
pick the country as their study destination,

It further enables graduate visa
holders to work and get skilled for their chosen career paths, but
cannot secure permanent residence in the UK.

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